
Topics Theology



While the word theology may seem intimidating to some, its definition is simple: it describes no more or less than the study of God Himself. Who is God? What is He like? What are His attributes? What defines His character? In these sermons, Alistair Begg considers these questions and more as he looks to the Bible, God's own self-revelation, for the answers.
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Displaying 5041-5050 of 5056

John the Baptist's Testimony

John 1:19–34 Sermon 35:38 ID: 1151

Who Is Jesus Christ? — Part Two

John 1:1–18 Sermon 47:36 ID: 1148

Authority in the Church — Part Two

Colossians 1:18 Sermon 47:32 ID: 1144

An Introduction to John’s Gospel

John 20:24–31 Sermon 43:55 ID: 1145

Authority in the Church — Part One

Colossians 1:18 Sermon 40:00 ID: 1142

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

Acts 1:1–11 Sermon 46:53 ID: 1143

The Christian Soldier

Ephesians 6:10–20 Sermon 48:28 ID: 1136

The Church and Its Witness — Part One

Acts 1:1–8 Sermon 42:29 ID: 1133

Discipline in the Fellowship — Part Three

Hebrews 12:7–17 Sermon 43:42 ID: 1132

The Lord’s Table

Psalm 23:5 Sermon 30:54 ID: 1131