
Topics Salvation



Through Christ's death on the cross, God has saved mankind from sin, extending to us His free gift of grace. When we accept this gift, we are freed from our slavery to disobedience, adopted as God's children, reborn to a new life, given a new heart, and promised a new hope. In these sermons, Alistair Begg explains what salvation is, how it has been achieved, and how we can take hold of its eternal benefits.
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Displaying 1-10 of 3683

How Can I Be Right with God?

Genesis 15:1–6 Sermon Includes Transcript 36:59 ID: 1079

Faith in the Waiting Room

Genesis 16:1–16 Sermon Includes Transcript 41:21 ID: 1082

The Covenant Confirmed

Genesis 17:1–27 Sermon Includes Transcript 47:34 ID: 1083

Once Saved, Always Saved?

John 10:27–29 Sermon 1:05:36 ID: 1128

The Lord’s Table

Psalm 23:5 Sermon 30:54 ID: 1131

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

Acts 1:1–11 Sermon 46:53 ID: 1143

An Introduction to John’s Gospel

John 20:24–31 Sermon 43:55 ID: 1145

The God of the Second Chance

Jonah 3:1–2 Sermon 37:22 ID: 1152

The First Miraculous Sign

John 2:1–11 Sermon 46:01 ID: 1153

Born Again, What Do You Mean?

John 3:1–36 Sermon 32:49 ID: 1158