
Resources series

The Basics of Pastoral Ministry, Volume 1

On Being a Pastor

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Selected Scriptures
ID: 28401 • October 18, 2021

A pastor’s job is seldom easy. Whatever context he ministers in, he’s likely to face countless pressures from the surrounding culture, from within his congregation, and even from within his own heart, mind, and spirit. In the face of such challenges, the surest place to turn is God’s Word itself, which offers both a heartening vision of the pastor’s role and wisdom for navigating its fulfillment.

In this collection of sermons and lectures, Alistair Begg directs current pastors, aspiring pastors, pastors in training, and lay leaders to the Bible’s teachings on the nature of pastoring itself. What does a God-given ministry look like? How do elders help in shepherding God’s people? How can church leaders communicate a Gospel vision to their congregations? The answers can be found right in the pages of the very Scripture that God tasks us with opening and proclaiming. Study along with Alistair, and discover them anew.

Supplemental Materials
Sermons in this Series
Available Volumes:

The Marks of a God-Given Ministry

Colossians 1:24–2:5 Sermon Includes Transcript 55:06 ID: 1879

The Call of Ministry

2 Corinthians 4:1–7 Sermon Includes Transcript 42:36 ID: 2160

Pastors and Teachers

Ephesians 4:12–13 Sermon Includes Transcript 39:16 ID: 3233

Leaders in the Local Church

1 Peter 5:1–5, Exodus 18:13–27 Sermon Includes Transcript 36:22 ID: 3312

Establishing a Vision

Nehemiah 1:1–2:10 Sermon Includes Transcript 50:53 ID: 2099

Earthing a Vision

Nehemiah 2:11–20 Sermon Includes Transcript 1:01:53 ID: 2100

Tackling Opposition to Change

Acts 6:1–4, Acts 9:31, Nehemiah 4:10–12 Sermon Includes Transcript 48:17 ID: 2101

Back to the Basics

2 Peter 1:1–21 Sermon Includes Transcript 1:05:54 ID: 2223