Some people say that they can find God in nature or through personal spiritual practices. So why bother with the Bible? Isn’t it just an archaic book that’s not relevant to our modern lives? In a day when so many claim to speak directly with God, is the Bible really needed?
In this series, Alistair Begg examines why the Bible isn’t just an important part of Christian worship; it’s the safest and only sure way to hear God’s voice. God knew we would desperately need our emotions healed, our broken lives restored, and our deepest questions answered—and so He gave us Scripture as both a source of spiritual vitality and a plumb line against which we can measure all claims to truth. How can we be saved? And once we’ve been saved, how do we live? The Bible’s answers are clear. If we wish to know that we belong to God, we must start by reading, hearing, and meditating on His Word.