The two-hour documentary film Revival: The Work of God explores how God sparks great movements of renewed faith during times of spiritual darkness. Narrated by pastors and church historians, the film takes a sweeping journey through the centuries, beginning at Pentecost, to examine how God reinvigorated biblical faith in England during the Reformation, America in 1734, Wales during the Evangelical Awakening, Northern Ireland in 1859, and the Scottish Hebrides in 1949.
Expert contributors, including Geoff Thomas, Ian Hamilton, Joel Beeke, Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson, and Stuart Olyott, join host Jeremy Walker in this fascinating look at transforming periods of regional revival.
The film comes with both a DVD and streaming viewing option. The streaming option includes fourteen hours of bonus material, including twenty-one interviews with faith leaders such as D.L. Moody and Billy Graham, sermons, conference sessions, and study materials.