As the Gospel of Luke begins, its author declares his intent to compile “an orderly account” of Jesus’ life and ministry so that anyone who reads it “may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.” When we open its pages, this is exactly what we find. Tracing Jesus’ life from His nativity and ministry to His death, resurrection, and ascension, Luke presents us with a portrait of a perfect, divine Savior in whom we can believe fully and securely.
In volume nine of this series, Alistair Begg unpacks Jesus’ well-known parable of the prodigal son. Featuring a cast of characters with whom the strictly religious and brazenly sinful alike can relate, this story movingly depicts how God the Father seeks reconciliation with both. As we consider the broken bonds between the parable’s father and his two sons, we learn that God desires restored relationship with all on the basis of His great kindness in Christ.